Welcome back guys…. If you have been following my blog from lately, you might be already aware about my craziness in photography. Even though my blog contains contents from all topics, photography is one major Topic in those.
Recently i started getting some free time for “
extra curricular activities” and decided to start again my adventure with photography. I am seriously following some of the great photographers of the time and like to share my knowledge with you guys.
This series of post are aimed at
“amateur” photographers and
“more than just amateur” photographers whose are interested in “
placing tripod before low light shooting” in other words making their photography basics right.
While i start the topics from tomorrow, you can have a look at some of my previous posts related to photography here
Go through these posts also:
Tips for Better Clicks
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About author
Jain T. Chacko is a freelance writer by passion and an Engineer by profession. Active in the blogger world under the title "WhatJainSays" ever since 2010. Through "whatjainsays.blogspot.com" he shares the latest buzz in the e-world, spread across thousands of websites. Loves sharing and learning also prays for world peace.